
Regular Hours, Summer 2024

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

Hawkeye 在线 书店

新 Beginning with Summer 2024 term classes, you will order your textbooks and course material through the new Hawkeye 在线 书店. Physical items will be delivered to you by mail while digital access information will be emailed. The new platform is designed to provide you with affordable course materials, 方便, 和选择.


1. 注册课程

registering for classes, the Hawkeye 在线 书店 will put together a personalized shopping experience for you to select your textbooks and course materials.

Your personalized page will be ready within 90 minutes of registering for classes.

2. 做出选择

Visit the Hawkeye 在线 书店.

Login with your Hawkeye username and password to see a personalized page with the courses you registered for plus the texts assigned to them.

Select from the new, used, rental, and ebook options available. The bookstore also hosts a marketplace, where students around the country and third-party vendors sell new and used textbooks at heavily discounted prices.

3. 看看

看看 to complete your order.

Choose to ship your course materials to your home or to campus.

Order early to take advantage of great savings opportunities and free delivery options.

4. 跟踪您的订单

Check on the delivery status of your order.

Digital course material access information is emailed. You can also login to the bookstore to 查看你的图书馆 where you can easily access your digital items.

Benefits of the new online bookstore

  • 个性化的: All of your courses and materials are listed on one page when you log in with your Hawkeye username and password, removing the need to search across multiple channels for that information.

  • A quick ordering process: It takes only minutes to review and order textbooks.

  • 教材品种: Select from new, used, ebook, and rental textbooks.

  • 负担得起的价格: The bookstore has a marketplace where you can save an average of 60% off the list price of textbooks that are sold by students and vendors around the country.

  • 节省买新书: Price match guarantee on new books.

  • 付款方式: Ability to pay with your credit card, approved financial aid, or charge to your student account.

  • 免费送货选择: Free economy shipping offers on retail items when the order is over $49 (not including marketplace).

  • 航运选项: Choose to ship your order to your home or to campus.

  • 卖书: Post used textbooks for sale on the website's marketplace and name your own selling price.

  • 在你需要的时候提供帮助: Year-round student support with 24/7 availability during the back-to-school season.

How does the 在线 书店 work?

This video introduces you to Akademos and the TextbookX platform.
